Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

Cancer Symptoms typically experienced by cancer type:

* Brain Cancer
Headaches are extremely reduced in the morning and at noon, epilepsy, weakness, numbness to the arms and legs, difficulty walking, drowsiness, abnormal changes in vision, changes in personality, changes in memory, it is difficult to speak.

* Oral cancer
There are sores in the mouth, tongue and gums that do not heal.

* Throat Cancer
Continuous cough, hoarseness or raspy.

* Lung Cancer
Persistent cough - again, sputum with blood, pain in the chest.

* Breast Cancer
The existence of a lump, thickening of the skin (tickening), change shape, itching - itching, redness, pain not related to breastfeeding or menstruating.

* Digestive tract cancer
The presence of blood in the dirt that is marked with bright red or black, unpleasant taste and hold - again and again in the stomach, lump in the abdomen, pain after eating, weight loss.

* Cancer Womb (uterus)
Bleeding diperiode - coming month period, during menses extravasation unusual and extraordinary pain.

* Ovarian Cancer (ovarian)
In the advanced stage before symptoms appear.

* Colon Cancer
Bleeding in the rectum, there is blood in the dirt, changes in bowel movements (diarrhea continuously or difficult bowel movements).

* Bladder or Kidney Cancer
There was blood in the urine, pain or burning on urination, frequency or difficulty urinating, pain in the bladder.

* Prostate Cancer
Not urinating well, continuous pain in the back waist, penis and upper thigh.

* Cancer scrotal / testicular
The existence of a lump on balls, the size of the shelter on the glans and the enlarged and thickened suddenly, pain in lower abdomen, breasts enlarged or become soft.

* Lymphoma
Lymph nodes enlarged, rubbery, itching - itching, sweating at night when sleeping, weight loss or fever for no apparent reason.

* Leukemia
Pallor, chronic fatigue, weight loss, often subject to infection, easily hurt, pain in bones and joints, nosebleeds.

* Skin Cancer
Bumps on the skin which resemble warts (hardens like horns), infection is not cured - cured, the spots change colors and sizes, pain in certain areas, such as discoloration of the skin patches.

* Complications
Frequent complication in cancer patients is an infection that is at an advanced stage of cancer sufferers. Infection occurs due to lack of protein and other nutrition and immune system suppression that often occurs after conventional treatment.
Cancer Symptoms typically experienced by cancer type:

* Brain Cancer
Headaches are extremely reduced in the morning and at noon, epilepsy, weakness, numbness to the arms and legs, difficulty walking, drowsiness, abnormal changes in vision, changes in personality, changes in memory, it is difficult to speak.

* Oral cancer
There are sores in the mouth, tongue and gums that do not heal.

* Throat Cancer
Continuous cough, hoarseness or raspy.

* Lung Cancer
Persistent cough - again, sputum with blood, pain in the chest.

* Breast Cancer
The existence of a lump, thickening of the skin (tickening), change shape, itching - itching, redness, pain not related to breastfeeding or menstruating.

* Digestive tract cancer
The presence of blood in the dirt that is marked with bright red or black, unpleasant taste and hold - again and again in the stomach, lump in the abdomen, pain after eating, weight loss.

* Cancer Womb (uterus)
Bleeding diperiode - coming month period, during menses extravasation unusual and extraordinary pain.

* Ovarian Cancer (ovarian)
In the advanced stage before symptoms appear.

* Colon Cancer
Bleeding in the rectum, there is blood in the dirt, changes in bowel movements (diarrhea continuously or difficult bowel movements).

* Bladder or Kidney Cancer
There was blood in the urine, pain or burning on urination, frequency or difficulty urinating, pain in the bladder.

* Prostate Cancer
Not urinating well, continuous pain in the back waist, penis and upper thigh.

* Cancer scrotal / testicular
The existence of a lump on balls, the size of the shelter on the glans and the enlarged and thickened suddenly, pain in lower abdomen, breasts enlarged or become soft.

* Lymphoma
Lymph nodes enlarged, rubbery, itching - itching, sweating at night when sleeping, weight loss or fever for no apparent reason.

* Leukemia
Pallor, chronic fatigue, weight loss, often subject to infection, easily hurt, pain in bones and joints, nosebleeds.

* Skin Cancer
Bumps on the skin which resemble warts (hardens like horns), infection is not cured - cured, the spots change colors and sizes, pain in certain areas, such as discoloration of the skin patches.

* Complications
Frequent complication in cancer patients is an infection that is at an advanced stage of cancer sufferers. Infection occurs due to lack of protein and other nutrition and immune system suppression that often occurs after conventional treatment.

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

cancer cure

1. Breast cancer prevention drug.

Women with high risk, namely the survival / survivor of breast cancer or who at least have blood relations with people with cancer (mother or sister), can get the therapy Tamoxifen, which works by blocking the effects of estrogen trigger tumors.

2. Mastectomy before the cancer attack.

For women from families with high genetic risk, there is a mastectomy for breast cancer prevention. It is a radical approach, but most succeed. Mastectomy breast tissue is lifted, but not entirely, so the likelihood of cancer is still there.

While prevention is naturally include:

1. Exercise regularly.

Research shows that in line with the increasing activity, the risk of breast cancer will be reduced. Exercise will derive estrogen levels produced by the body thus reducing the risk of breast cancer.

2. Reduce the fat.

You certainly have often heard disagreement about the relationship between breast cancer with fatty foods. Some research suggests that low-fat diet help prevent breast cancer. Other research shows that there is no relationship between fat and breast cancer .. Recent research states that more important is the type of fat is not the amount of fat consumed.

Type of fat that trigger breast cancer is the saturated fat in meat, butter, foods that contain full-cream milk (whole-milk dairy foods) and fatty acids in margarine.

While this type of fat that helps prevent breast cancer is the unsaturated fats in olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids in salmon and the other cold water fish.

Saturated fats in meat and dairy products and fatty acids in margarine raise levels of estrogen in the blood, whereas unsaturated fats in olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids in fish does not cause an increase in estrogen levels in the blood.

3.Bila you eat meat, do not cook too well.

Apart from saturated fat found in meat, the way you cook the meat will affect breast cancer risk. Meats are cooked / baked produce carcinogenic compounds (amino heterocyclic). The longer cooked, the more of these compounds are formed. Heterocyclic Amino most numerous in the outer layer of grilled meat (skin) and charred black.

4.Makan more fruits and vegetables.

More and more fruits and vegetables that are eaten, the less risk for all cancers, including breast cancer.

Foods from plants containing a high anti-oxidant, including vitamin A, C, E and the mineral selenium, which can prevent cell damage that could be the cause of cancer. National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends to consume fruits and vegetables at least 5 (five) times a day. But to avoid fruits and vegetables that contain lots of fat, like fried potatoes or banana cream pie with.

5th. Anti-oxidant supplements.

Supplements can not replace fruits and vegetables, but an anti-oxidant formula may be a food additive that can prevent breast cancer.

6. Eat more fiber.

Besides functioning as anti-oxidants, fruits and vegetables also contain lots of fiber. Fibrous foods will bind the estrogen in the digestive tract, so the levels in the blood is reduced.

7. Eat more tofu and soy-containing foods.

Foods derived from soy contains plant estrogens (Phy-estrogen). Like tamoxifen, this compound similar to estrogen the body, but weaker. Phy-bound estrogen receptor on the cell body similar to estrogen, tie out of breast cells thus reducing the effects of breast cancer triggers.

In addition to blocking estrogen receptor cells of the body to achieve, food berkedelai also accelerate spending from the body's estrogen.

8. Eat more beans.

In addition to the soybean, Phy-estrogen also occurs in other types of nuts.

9. Avoid alcohol.

Many researches show that the more alcohol consumed, the risk of breast cancer are increasing rapidly due to alcohol raise levels of estrogen in the blood.

10. Watch your weight.

Every pound of weight gain after age 18 years will increase the risk of breast cancer. This is because in line with the increase in body fat, it triggers the hormone estrogen as breast cancer in darahpun will increase.

11. Avoid xeno-estrogens.

Xeno-estrogen means estrogen that come from outside the body.

Women taking estrogen from outside the body, especially that derived from hormone residues in meat contained estrogenic and estrogenic pesitisida residues. Suspected xeno-estrogens may increase blood levels of estrogen thereby increasing the risk of breast cancer.

The best way to avoid xeno-estrogen is to reduce consumption of meat, poultry (chickens, ducks) and dairy products (whole-milk dairy products).

But you do not have to worry about eating lots of fruits and vegetables, because the effects of anti-oxidants and fiber content of more than pestisidanya residual effects.

12. Bask under the sun.

The increasing incidence of skin cancer (Malignant Melanoma) make us afraid of sunlight. But a little sunlight can help prevent breast cancer, because at the time of the sun on the skin, the body make vitamin D. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium breast tissue thereby reducing the risk of breast cancer. In order to obtain the sun for 20 minutes / day, is recommended to walk under the sun in the afternoon or evening. But if you want to get the calcium or vitamin D from sunshine, you can try to consume food supplements.

13. Do not smoke.

Smoking increases the risk of breast cancer.

14. Breastfeeding / breastmilk to give your children

For reasons that remain unclear, breast-feeding associated with reduced risk of breast cancer before the menopause.

15. Consider again before using hormone replacement therapy (HRT = Hormone Replacement Therapy
Cancer is a chronic disease, any treatment processes that require relatively more panjang.Pengobatan first stage of the most important role, the key determinant in the success of cancer treatment lies in the selection of treatments kanker.Kebanyakan cause of failure in cancer treatment lies not in the cancer, but due to treatment incorrect causing disease conditions worse, losing a chance to heal, and also increases the difficulty in subsequent treatment.

Currently, hospital commonly used chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery is the treatment kuno.Ketiga these treatments each have their own advantages, but each also contains an outstanding deficiencies, among others, is that most treatments do not achieve ideal results as well as negative effects are relatively larger, causing complications that add to the suffering of the patient or even cause the death of so many patients who can not bear it.

Along with technological progress, the efforts of scientists, understanding and new treatments continue to emerge-u bar, giving more and better selection in the treatment of cancer, mebawakan more opportunities and fewer side effects in treatment for sipenderita.

Integrated Medicine is an idea which is recognized in general, cancer experts are not the same field of different treatment techniques to master, too, has advantages too short, so when deciding on the concept that cancer pengobatab cancer were discussed by experts from different fields will maximize the respective strengths of experts, using a combination of bebagai kinds of new technologies, improve the lack of bias from a variety of medications, thus achieving results that ideal.Pengobatan cancer treatment rather than be handled by a master course from beginning to end, nor should be simple, nested repeated chemotherapy, if chemotherapy is not effective then only biased just waiting to die.

New method for the treatment of cancer which most attracted the attention of people is the "ablation therapy," Therapy is called "ablation therapy" because it has advantages including: 1) Minimizing the area of treatment, the right target, to maximize treatment outcomes, and reduce injuries and errors in treatment . 2) With the operation of his sufferings Minimalist smaller, faster recovery, more leverage its success, and the disease rarely come back, as well as more tangible results. Currently in cancer treatment using Chinese medicine that has a history thousands of years into the limelight because as well as could be deadly cancer cells, Chinese Medicine's function is to enhance the immune system and reduce side effects arising from medical treatment.

But the results from the use of Chinese medicine is very slow and requires a longer time, so if only using Chinese medicine alone can sometimes pass the time to do treatment. Therefore, Chinese medicine should be combined with medical treatment so that treatment outcomes are expected to be maximal.

Treatment of the disease should be implemented with the concept of combined treatment methods, ie supported by a team of doctors from various specialties, with a mix of new and Traditional treatment methods, and the combined methods of medical treatment and Chinese medicine. Almost all treatment for cancer using a combined method of treatment because they are supported by more experts and methods of treatment, so as to improve the quality of treatment outcomes.

After suffering from cancer need treatment and seek immediate medical treatment based on scientific methods so as not to impede the right time to do treatment. Choosing a Hospital completed a thorough medical techniques and choose a doctor who is responsible for recovering